Installing FlowCal in an Existing Python Evironment

Python (2.7, 3.6, or 3.7) is required, along with pip and setuptools. The easiest way is to install FlowCal is to use pip:

pip install FlowCal

This should take care of all the requirements automatically. Linux and macOS users may need to request administrative permissions by preceding this command with sudo.

Alternatively, download FlowCal from here. Next, make sure that the following Python packages are present:

  • packaging (>=16.8)
  • six (>=1.10.0)
  • numpy (>=1.8.2)
  • scipy (>=0.14.0)
  • matplotlib (>=2.0.0)
  • palettable (>=2.1.1)
  • scikit-image (>=0.10.0)
  • scikit-learn (>=0.16.0)
  • pandas (>=0.16.1)
  • xlrd (>=0.9.2)
  • XlsxWriter (>=0.5.2)

If you have pip, a requirements.txt file is provided, such that the required packages can be installed by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To install FlowCal, run the following in FlowCal’s root directory:

python install

Again, some users may need to precede the previous commands with sudo.


Ubuntu/Linux Mint: FlowCal might need more recent versions of some python packages than the ones provided via apt. To upgrade these, some non-python packages need to be installed in your system. On freshly installed systems, the following packages may need to be manually installed:

  • gcc
  • g++
  • gfortran
  • libblas-dev
  • liblapack-dev
  • libfreetype6-dev
  • python-dev
  • python-tk
  • python-pip

All of these can be installed using:

sudo apt install <package-name>

Next, pip should be upgraded by using:

sudo pip install --upgrade pip

After this, you may install FlowCal by following the steps above.