How to Contribute

If you are interested in contributing to this project, either by writing code, correcting a bug, or adding a new feature, we would love your help! Below we provide some guidelines on how to contribute.

FlowCal Installation for Developers

Regardless of your OS version, we recommend using virtualenv for development. A short primer on virtualenv can be found at

The recommended way to install FlowCal for development is to run python develop. This will install FlowCal in a special “developer” mode. In this mode, a link pointing to the FlowCal directory is made in the python installation directory, allowing you to import FlowCal from any python script, while at the same time being able to modify FlowCal’s code and immediately see the resulting effects.

Version Control

FlowCal uses git for version control. We try to follow the git-flow branching model. Please familiarize yourself with such model before contributing. A quick summary of relevant branches is given below.

  • master is only used for final release versions. Do not directly commit to master, ever.
  • develop holds unreleased features, which will eventually be released into master.
  • Feature branches are branches derived from develop, in which new features are committed. When the feature is completed, a merge request towards develop should be made.